North Carolina College Campus Sexual Assault Lawyers


New Hanover County Schools

$140 Million

$140 Million-plus default judgement against teacher-predator who abused his male students over 20 years in New Hanover County Schools

New Hanover County Schools

$5.75 Million

$5.75 Million settlement with New Hanover County Schools for sexual abuse of teacher on 14 of his students

Guilford County Board of Education

$3 Million

$3 Million settlement with Guilford County Board of Education for sexual abuse of teacher’s assistants on two female high school students

Powerful Representation for Victims of Sexual Abuse

More than half a million students attend colleges and universities across North Carolina. For many, college will be one of the best chapters of their lives. Yet, for others, the unthinkable can occur. According to Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), 1 in 10 students experience rape or sexual assault through force, violence, or incapacitation.

If you or someone you care about is a victim of college campus sexual assault, contact Rhine Law Firm, P.C. for guidance. Our North Carolina college campus sexual assault lawyers have recovered millions for victims of sexual abuse and are proud to give survivors a voice. Let us advise you on how best to pursue justice in your case.

Why Choose Rhine Law Firm for College Campus Sexual Assault Cases?

We know it’s not easy to seek help when you may be feeling your most vulnerable, but it’s crucial to hold sexual abusers and the institutions that employ and enable them accountable. You can feel confident with Rhine Law Firm, knowing we have the skills and experience to navigate the complexities of institutional sex abuse cases.

Rhine Law Firm collaborates with experts and utilizes every legal resource available to achieve the justice for our clients. We have the expertise of a large firm, yet we provide the personal care and attention our clients need and deserve.

Types of College Campus Sexual Assault Cases

College campus sexual assault takes many forms. Students and staff should know what constitutes assault and what to do if it happens to them.

Fraternity and Sorority Parties and Events

Greek life is often associated with alcohol, hazing, and wild parties—chaotic environments where just about anything goes, and the boundaries of consent can be blurred. Institutions that fail to enforce on-campus underage drinking rules or allow reports of sexual assault to go uninvestigated may be named in a civil claim.

Assaults Involving Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol is associated with increased aggression and lowered inhibitions, making it easier for aggressors to take advantage of impaired victims. Research shows in around half of college sexual assaults, the perpetrator, the victim, or both were consuming alcohol.

In drug-facilitated sexual assaults, perpetrators use “date rape drugs” or “roofies” to incapacitate the victim. Drug-related sexual assaults against college-age females are more common than forcible assaults and are frequently precipitated by alcohol consumption.

Assaults by Students, Faculty, or Staff

It’s important to mention that campus sexual assault does not only happen between male and female students. Sexual violence transcends age, gender, and power dynamics. A perpetrator can be a friend, classmate, instructor, or employee of any gender or sexual orientation.

Reporting the Assault to Campus Authorities

After an assault, your safety should be the priority. Get to a safe place and contact someone for support, whether that is a friend, roommate, or family member. It’s wise to seek medical care as soon as possible. They will likely notify the police. It’s up to you if you want to file a report.

Next, report the assault to your school through the proper channels. Every school has a Title IX coordinator. They should be able to assist you. If you don’t feel your school is responsive or taking your matter seriously, you can also file a formal complaint with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR).

Legal Steps for Filing a College Campus Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Aside from reporting the assault to your school and law enforcement, you can also bring a personal injury claim for damages against the perpetrator and possibly the school or related employer. While a civil suit cannot undo the pain and trauma of assault, it can provide a sense of justice and possible compensation for your losses.

A personal injury attorney at Rhine Law Firm will assess your case during an initial consultation to determine if it meets the criteria for a civil claim. We thoroughly investigate your matter, gather evidence, identify all liable parties, and contact expert witnesses—all to build a strong case for compensation under the law.

Seeking Compensation and Damages for Survivors

If your case is successful, you will receive financial compensation as a form of relief. Compensatory damages are awarded to cover tangible economic losses like medical care, counseling expenses, and lost income. Damages for noneconomic losses like emotional distress and mental anguish are also possible.

In some cases, additional punitive damages are awarded to punish the perpetrator and deter them from reoffending. Because every case is unique, your compensation depends on your experience and how it has impacted your life physically, emotionally, and financially.

College Campus Sexual Assault Laws

Colleges and universities have a duty to protect the students they educate. Under federal law, they are required to report and investigate crimes that happen on campus.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law prohibiting gender-based discrimination in educational activities and programs receiving federal support. Schools must investigate sexual harassment allegations and respond with their findings.

Conduct covered under Title IX includes:

  • Gender-motivated discrimination
  • Dating violence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual battery
  • Sexual coercion
  • Talking
  • Rape

If the school finds sexual harassment or abuse occurred, disciplinary sanctions may be imposed within a school’s Honor Court system. Both parties have the right to appeal a decision. Title IX applies to school-sanctioned classes and activities that happen on-campus, off-campus, and virtually.

Clery Act

Signed in 1990, the Clery Act requires schools receiving federal funding to maintain and report data on crime in and around campus. By October 1 of each new academic year, institutions must publish an Annual Campus Security Report detailing crimes occurring the previous year.

The law is named after Jeanne Clery, who was raped and murdered by another student at a Pennsylvania university in 1986. Her death was one of 38 violent crimes occurring at the school in the three years leading up to Clery’s death. Had they known about these crimes, the Clerys say their daughter would not have attended the school.

Contacting Rhine Law Firm

Rhine Law Firm, P.C. offers free case reviews for new claims. Call or connect us online to schedule a consultation in our Wilmington office. Our college campus sexual assault lawyers assist clients across North Carolina.

Cases We Pursue

If you are considering filing a civil lawsuit against a sexual abuser, you should speak with a institutional sexual abuse lawyer to discuss your rights. The compassionate legal team at Rhine Law Firm, P.C. are dedicated to the representation of victims of sexual abuse and assualt. For a free and confidential consultation with experienced attorneys, call (910) 772-9960 today.

“Joel Rhine and his staff did everything possible to help us in a very dark period of our lives.”

“I couldn’t have asked for a better firm to handle my injury claim. If you do not have confidence with your attorney, you need to contact Rhine Law Firm immediately.”

“Rhine Law Firm went out of their way to make sure that my mother-in-law obtains everything she is entitled to in an injury case.”

“It was a long, arduous process and we cannot thank Joel and the rest of the team at Rhine Law Firm enough.”

“Joel will make sure you are well taken care of. He will fight for you and what you deserve and go to all measures to make sure you get it.”

Our Promise to You

  • National Practice with a Local Presence

  • Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Won

  • Over 30 Years of Experience

  • Experienced, Thorough & Dedicated Attorneys

  • Spanish-Speaking Services Available

  • Evening & Weekend Appointments Available Upon Request

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