Wilmington Cerebral Palsy Lawyer


Pella Windows Class Action Case

$25.7 Million

We have recovered a $25.7 million settlement on behalf of our client on a Pella windows class action case.

Chinese Drywall Settlement Case

$24 Million

We have recovered $24 million on the largest individual Chinese drywall settlement case.

Marriott Vacation Club Class Action

$13.3 Million

We have recovered a $13.3 million settlement for Deceptive Trade Practices at Marriott Vacation Club.

Understanding Cerebral Palsy and Birth Injury

Unforeseen complications during pregnancy or labor can lead to serious problems and perhaps lifelong disability for your newborn if your doctor does not take quick action. One of those complications is cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder typically caused by oxygen deprivation to the brain during its early development.

If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, you likely have many questions about what caused it and what steps you must take next. At Rhine Law Firm, P.C., our medical malpractice lawyers can help you find answers to those questions by exploring whether medical negligence played a role. If so, we are dedicated to helping you seek full and fair compensation for the long journey ahead in caring for a child with cerebral palsy.

Holding Negligent Medical Professionals Accountable for Their (In)Actions

Most cases of cerebral palsy are caused by oxygen deprivation to an infant’s brain. During delivery, doctors or midwives must remain alert to changes in fetal heartbeat and other signals which could indicate the baby is in distress. A failure to order a cesarean section during a complicated birth or to take other decisive action could result in infant brain damage. If you have suspicions that delivery room errors may have contributed to your child’s condition, talk to us.

Aside from delivery room negligence, irresponsible maternity or prenatal care can also cause cerebral palsy. Certain anti-anxiety medications can lead to brain damage in utero as can untreated infections like rubella during pregnancy.

We will thoroughly investigate all possible causes of your child’s condition, including birth injuries and negligent prenatal care. Our lawyers can help you clearly understand your rights and options for pursuing compensation for your child’s medical expenses and long-term care needs such as:

  • Ongoing therapy that he or she may require
  • Private nursing care or home help
  • Home adaptation or renovation, if necessary
  • Educational expenses
  • Expenses for wheelchairs, walking aids and other medical equipment

In addition to these practical costs, we can also seek compensation for the noneconomic damages your family may be entitled to, including diminished quality of life and permanent disability.

When It Really Matters – Contact Rhine Law Firm, P.C.

We invite you to contact our firm at (910) 772-9960 toll free for a free initial consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. Office hours 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evening and weekend appointments also available. From our office in Wilmington, we accept cases throughout North Carolina and nationwide.

Our Promise to You

  • National Practice with a Local Presence

  • Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Won

  • Over 30 Years of Experience

  • Experienced, Thorough & Dedicated Attorneys

  • Spanish-Speaking Services Available

  • Evening & Weekend Appointments Available Upon Request

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